Desert-Inspired Spa Treatments
Some Phoenix spa treatments are as unique as the landscape they’re in and use botanicals and…
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The wait is over—our online store has reopened! 🎉 Shop hats, shirts, and stickers that celebrate the iconic sights and vibes of Phoenix. Read More
Float Balloon Tours
Racing Adventures 的异域风情超跑驰行体验,可满足您对速度的渴求。白金级豪华车选包括阿斯顿·马丁、法拉利、兰博基尼等。
如果您热衷购物血拼,斯科茨代尔时尚广场设有 Burberry、Neiman Marcus 等高端品牌专柜。不知如何安排行程?奢侈品购物之旅可为您妥善安排行程,邀请专业私人购物顾问帮您出谋划策。
Scottsdale Fashion Square
Vertical Aviation、Westwind Air Service 等航空公司可为您量身定制直升机之旅,带您在全新高度遨游亚利桑那风光。
飞航结束后,可前往希尔顿珀恩特塔巴蒂奥悬崖度假酒店 (Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort) 的 Different Pointe of View 餐厅,餐厅位于 1,800 英尺高的山巅,您可在露台雅座品尝出众美食,欣赏壮丽美景。
北特伦斯科茨代尔四季度假酒店 (Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North) 的 Talavera 餐厅坐拥天然美景,食客安坐露台,即可饱览四围沙漠盛景。您还可预约 Talavera 餐厅的私人品酒包厢,品尝西班牙风情美食和琳琅佳酿。
凤凰城是体验豪华度假水疗的圣地。您可前往 Aji Spa、The Centre for Well-Being 等福布斯四星水疗中心,体验整日娇宠呵护,荡涤身心凡尘。
您可在 Quiessence at the Farm 餐厅预约招牌砖炉餐位用餐体验。餐厅主厨团队将根据您的口味定制八道菜品,丰富您的私密晚餐。
此外,福布斯五星餐厅 Kai 可为八方食客带来非凡的美食体验,菜单和餐厅环境均融入了来自当地土著部落的食材与灵感。“旅程寻味菜单”(Journey Tasting Menu) 汇集 Kai 餐厅的 13 道精选拿手菜品,为您的旅程增添惊艳风味。
Some Phoenix spa treatments are as unique as the landscape they’re in and use botanicals and…
Dine and be dazzled at these seven Phoenix fine-dining restaurants with impeccable culinary…
Greater Phoenix’s eye-catching pools beckon to all manner of loungers and lazy-river riders. Make a…